FTA-ABS 0004112


FTA-ABs (Flourescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption Test) is used to screen for or diagnose an infection with the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which causes the sexually transmitted disease (STD) syphilis. It is a treponemal antibody test as opposed to a nontreponemal antibody test like RPR and VDRL are, and therefore highly specific for syphillis. The test is useful after the first 3-4 weeks following exposure. In addition to blood testing, it can be used to measure antibodies to T. pallidum in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) to help diagnose neurosyphilis. The best time to check this test is when you have symptoms of a syphilis infection or are at risk of being infected with syphilis, such as when you have another STD or HIV, when you have a sexual partner diagnosed with syphilis, when you have engaged in high-risk sexual activity, or when you are pregnant.

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