
TORCH stands for TOxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV, and Herpes. This test is used to screen pregnant women and newborns for several infectious diseases that can cause birth defects.
If you were exposed to certain infectious diseases or became ill while pregnant or if a baby was born with congenital abnormalities that may have been caused by an infection with one of the TORCH diseases included in this panel, you and your doctor may consider this test for further information.

This test checks for the following: Toxoplasma Antibody (IgG) with Reflex to Toxoplasma Antibody (IgM); Rubella Immune Status; Cytomegalovirus Antibody (IgG); Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 (IgG),Type Specific Antibodies (HerpeSelect®)

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